Why Poetry

Essays and reflections on why poetry matters now.

Why Poetry Matters Now

“Poets and intellectuals–who are paid little, and who are usually ignored by the general population–have this consolation, at least: they are the ones the tyrants go after first.” -Frederick Smock, “Poetry & Compassion” “If I keep listening to it, I won’t finish the revolution.” -Lenin, regarding Beethoven’s “Appassionata” Sonata   (as recounted in “The Lives Of […]

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Computers Are a Fad. Poetry Has Been Around for Centuries.

That’s why I’m keeping my options open. Plus, writing poetry pays so much better than writing software. My mother, a public school teacher, was explaining last night that her school can’t afford to give her more than one small stack of post-its per year. After all, they can run up to ninety cents per pack.

Computers Are a Fad. Poetry Has Been Around for Centuries. Read More »