“As always, the soul of a nation survives in the interstices of political and economic events. It survives, preeminently, in the arts. Art makes life better, even in the harshest of circumstances.”
The Lost Horse Press New Poets | Short Books Series, edited by Marvin Bell, brings together three short books of poetry under one cover. Human Shade appears in Volume V, along with excellent poetry collections by up-and-coming American poets Jensea Storie and Valentine Freeman.
Praise for Human Shade
“These are wonderful poems. Like dim sum, I unwrap the surprise inside each one and am delighted by the poet’s vision of koi, scorpion, bear, hand, shoes–Dear imagination of a boy.”
–Sandra Alcosser, author of Except by Nature
“Human Shade is a stunningly tender and perceptive collection, masterfully handled.”
–Kate Buckley, author of Follow Me Down
“…a sense of withering time, but never crass or over-obvious, always subtle and Debussyian… Powerful precisely because of its larger cultural context and veiled (until the end) message.”
–Hugh Fox, Small Press Review
“Robert Peake is a first-rate poet whose collection, Human Shade, is a cycle of very tender and very finely crafted poems…”
–Tim Krcmarik, author of The Heights
“…a splendid new book.”
–Joseph Millar, author of Fortune
“…beautifully written, and moving, how the personal intersects with the world outside.”
–Karol Nielsen, author of Black Elephants
“Throughout, Peake manages the subject of his son’s death both dextrously and eloquently… The lasting impression of the collection is … of strong work gathered intelligently and often beautifully around a poignant and well-executed set of core material.”
–Martha Sprackland, Sabotage Reviews
“…an amazing collection…stunning and vivid.”
–Carolee Sherwood, poet and blogger
“…delicacy, beauty, passion, hope, stream through the writers hands and lodge straight in your brain like cement.”
–Stephen Byrne, The Ranting Beast