Normally, as the weeks roll by, I get up early to write, read in the evenings after work, and collect the occasional acceptance or rejection slip from the mailbox. By contrast, this week felt like the equivalent of some kind of poetry hyperdrive, including:
- Receiving two rejection slips on the same day.
- Being asked to participate in a stimulating round-table discussion about the art of words for a local lifestyle magazine with a travel writer and a painter who incorporates words into her work. (Fascinating people!)
- Having three poems appear online.
- Giving a local reading to a highly receptive, standing-room-only crowd.
- Getting a request to conduct a poetry workshop for local teens. (Sadly, I had to decline.)
- Getting a request from someone organizing a conference on immigration and human rights at a respected law school, who wants to print my poem, “Road Sign on Interstate 5”, on the back of the program. (“Yes, of course!”)
- Having a conversation with a reporter for a fascinating new segment on KFCC about how technology shapes our lives. We spoke about the relationship between poetry and new media. (I’m not sure where it will go in terms of the radio show, but it was a fun conversation.)
- Being asked to respond to questions by email for an alumni magazine article [an article for Poets & Writers] about Marvin Bell, one of my MFA mentors.
- Significantly revising my manuscript this weekend to send out to first book competitions.
Phew! Time to get back to my day job, so I can get some rest.